Winner : Fairy Garden Contest : 2013

Here is the winner of the 2013 Fairy Garden Contest – such a magical fairy garden made by Brandi and her two creative children, Franki and Shaymus. This garden is a pure delight, packed full of to the brim of everything a fairy or gnome would ever wish for. Franki and Shaymus and their mom […]
Second Place Winner :: Fairy Garden Contest :: 2013

And, in second place, we have this utterly charming fairy garden made by Shanti and her kids from Twig and Toadstool. It’s ENCHANTING! There’s no doubt in my mind that when the lights go out at night in Shanti’s home, little fairy lights come on in this garden and the fairies revel the night away […]
3rd Place Winner :: Fairy Garden Contest :: 2013!!

This magical fairy garden is the winner of the 3rd place in the 2013 Fairy Garden Contest. Congratulations to Grace and her whole family, from The Richter’s World Blog, who each played a part in making this enchantment for the fairies. It is delightful beyond words. We love that Grace’s whole family was involved in […]