Puppets in Paradise :: A Day In Vermont

New England is WONDERFUL.

We’ve been here for 3 weeks… 3 glorious weeks of sunshine, nature and newness and we continue to be ever so excited for the adventures that each day invariably brings.

For instance, it rained the other morning. We were sitting eating breakfast when suddenly it drew dark outside and an almighty din descended upon our little townhouse. We looked at each other with big eyes… What’s that?


Yes, it was rain, sheeting down in a torrent of the largest raindrops we could ever imagine. We could hardly see for the rain. It made the air thick and white. We ran outside, spreading our arms towards the heavens and let the sky drench us in all his glory. We felt excited and inspired, as if this marvelous rain had washed not only the leaves and trees but also our souls, clean.

Of course, we have experienced rain before… but the gentle Southern Californian kind. The kind one can miss, where minute droplets on the windscreen alert us to the fact that it is raining.

There was NO missing THIS rain!

And then, on Saturday, when we, on a whim, decided to drive 30 minutes into Vermont to attend a theater gathering called Puppets in Paradise.

As we set out, we were quite oblivious to the wonders that awaited us.

We followed the hand-drawn signs down a gravel road to park on the grass of a large meadow (I was thankful that my new car has 4 wheel drive!) and we then walked up the path into the most glorious gardens. Unbeknownst to us, we had entered the world famous property of gardening authors, Gordon and Mary Hayward. Their magnificent property is called ‘Paradise’… hence the day being called ‘Puppets in Paradise’.

Mary and Gordon’s special talent is using flowers and plants and other natural elements to make a myriad of delightfully intimate spots in the garden to sit and ponder.  On this day, each of these secluded areas had a puppet stand for a puppet show.

We watched each delightful show and the magical setting added to the enchantment of the day.

There was  a kite show in the greenest meadow.

A puppet mime struggling to catch a train.

A clown enchanted with paper cranes.

A naughty boy who reminded me of Teddy as he recited his lines of ‘I don’t care!’

Mother Moon who danced on the lake shore after everyone else has gone to bed.

And the children’s favorite, a cussing and cursing puppet who got stuck in the mud while a crow ate his hat and a goat stole his beer.

The day ended with a stop at the local farm stall to stock up on farm fresh fruit and a delicious Korean meal in the nearby Vermont town of Brattleboro.

Our one sadness is that we are without Matthew who has returned to California to tie up loose ends there.

Hurry home, Dad.


Puppets in Paradise, New Hampshire, on The Magic Onions Blog Puppets in Paradise, New Hampshire, on The Magic Onions Blog Puppets in Paradise, New Hampshire, on The Magic Onions Blog Puppets in Paradise, New Hampshire, on The Magic Onions Blog Puppets in Paradise, New Hampshire, on The Magic Onions Blog Puppets in Paradise, New Hampshire, on The Magic Onions Blog Puppets in Paradise, New Hampshire, on The Magic Onions Blog Puppets in Paradise, New Hampshire, on The Magic Onions Blog Puppets in Paradise, New Hampshire, on The Magic Onions Blog Puppets in Paradise, New Hampshire, on The Magic Onions Blog Puppets in Paradise, New Hampshire, on The Magic Onions Blog Puppets in Paradise, New Hampshire, on The Magic Onions Blog

We remain incredulous that we have found ourselves in this most magical land.

Blessings and magic,




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One Response

  1. ~ Oh, such fun !! Puppets in a Garden !! * Thank you for writing of your adventures. I grew up in Londonderry, VT & while now in the MidWest for some time with the dearest & loVely friends, …. the mermaids of coastal Maine are calling to me.
    Are there mermaids in the freezing coastal waters, one may ask ? but of course, … their seaweed combs wash upon the shores, along with their gifted nature treasures. * Enjoy all of New England and your New Home.
    La, la, la…. my heart sings for your new delights.
    Shell ~

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