I promised to show you how we made our Zen Garden tools.
We needed our trusty glue gun, our garden scissors, some sticks and twigs, an acorn cap and a shell.
First, the rake. I used my garden scissors to cut a twig for the handle, a smaller twig for the rakes head and 5 tiny twigs for the rakes teeth.
With my glue gun, I stuck the head of the rake to the handle…
Then for the acorn scooper…
I used my good ‘ol glue gun to stick the acorn head to the stick handle… Now this must be the cutest little Zen Garden tool ever! It scoops sand wonderfully and makes lovely moon shapes in the sand scape.

Now for the shell spade…

My friend the glue gun once again did his magic by sticking the shell to the driftwood handle.
Zen, isn’t it?!
So here they are, the twig rake, the acorn scooper and the shell spade. All have been played with endlessly in our Miniature Zen Garden which you can see here.

Blessings and magic.
17 Responses
Hahahaha! You are the glue gun queen! Absolutely adorable!
That made me smile when I saw yesterday your post “zen garden”.
I was actually thinking of making a rake… but I didn’t make it as far as “aah…sticks!”
Can’t wait ’til things quiet down around here and I can get my room in order for the winter, and make my zen garden. :)
Those are so clever! I need to get a gun gun.
Hi, Magic Onions! I’m passing the Kreativ Blogger Award to you! Please come to acornpies to pick it up!
I have got to go buy a glue gun right now.. I desperately need a tiny zen garden!
Oh my goodness, the loveliest little tools ever!
How I have gone so many years without a glue gun?
I love your blog, mama magiconions!
They are adorable! You are so creative and talented! :)
lol, too cute. The rake is my fave.
I love it !! I think I have another project to add to my to-do list!! : )
Thank you for posting this!
All of your projects are so lovely and precious. I am especially glad i stumbled across this one- I have been looking for months for a miniature rake and it hadn’t occurred to my non-crafty self that I could make one! XD Thanks =)
I really like when people are expressing their opinion and thought. So I like the way you are writing.
garden tools
Finally I found a rake I’ve been looking for ….. and so easy to make!
Thanks from Eva in Norway
Hahaha, it’s as if the trusty glue gun and the all-around garden scissors are a match made in heaven. Yeah, the tools there in the miniature garden made the whole thing more “zen” indeed. The wonders of the glue gun, right?
I just love your blog and I am a new follower. I mentioned this article on my blog http://sweetzenlife.blogspot.com/2012/05/zen-gardens-have-become-increasingly.html