Our door says… WELCOME AUTUMN!

One of the ways we notice the changing of the season in our home is to make and decorated a door wreath for each season. As we collect the nature bits for it, we talk about how our world is changing with the new season. We talk about what we loved about the outgoing season, what we will miss about it and what we look forward to when it returns. As we make our new wreath, we talk about what the new season means to us, what new things we see around us, what other new things we will expect to see. This is one of the ways my children and I notice and ‘feel’ the seasons.

Today, we made our Autumn wreath.

We started with

* straw wreath (from a craft store)
* Autumn looking fabric
* Scissors
* hot glue gun
* nature bits collected from the world around us
* red wood beads (from my necklace that broke)

Kitty cut the fabric into strips.
Each strip was about 2 inches wide and as long as you want (ours was about 18 inches long)
I put a glob of glue onto the wreath from my hot glue gun.
We stuck one end of a fabric strip to the wreath.
We wound the fabric tightly around the straw wreath. When a strip of fabric ended, I stuck another, different, one to the end of the last and started the tight winding again, sticking the last of the wrapping fabric down with my glue gun.
Then came the ‘really’ fun part. Kitty and Teddy selected which nature bits to go where. I administered a dab of hot glue in the exact spot they had designated and they carefully stuck their bit into place… acorns,
Moss and Goblin Balls,
Leaves and beads.
We hung our wreath on our door and sat back to admire it and welcome in the new season…
Welcome Autumn!
Blessings and magic,


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15 Responses

  1. Beautiful and simple I love it! What a wonderful project for my kids!
    I just love the fabrics you chose to wrap the wreath.

    And although I am sad to see summer go, autumn is my favorite-est season! Mulled cider and woolen sweaters here we come!

  2. Just lovely, and that last picture is priceless.
    I think we will do n Autumn Wreath this year, but it won’t be for a few weeks yet – I am still in denial….

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