photo of family horseback riding in the Grand Tetons


To my mom.

Happy Mother’s Day to the most amazing person I know.

You are an inspiration, Mom. You make the most of everything you do. You have such an open heart to all life has to offer. It’ s a joy to be with you.

Thank you for making the long journey to be with us every year. And for staying for so long. I know I often complain that a month is not long enough, but that’s only because the year between aches with your absence. Every moment of our time together is so precious to me, and cherished. And to Teddy and Kitty and Matthew too. We think of you often, here in our Sunny House, and of the many memories we have made together. We talk about Granny and smile and laugh and realize how lucky we are to be your family.

Thank you for being the anchor. Thank you for giving us wings. Thank you for showing us that happiness lives inside your own heart and comes from the love you give to others.

I am so lucky you are my mom.

Look at us here, riding in the forests beneath the Grand Tetons. Didn’t we have fun!

I love you, Mom.

Big blessings and magic to you today,



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