A Mother’s Love : Birthday Letter on Kitty’s 6th Birthday

My little girl celebrated her 7th Birthday at school today. Waldorf schools have a special birthday circle celebration for each child on his or her birthday but as Kitty turned 7 while we were in South Africa, today was her special day. The birthday girl sits on the special birthday chair at the head of the circle. She is presented with handmade gifts from her friends and her teacher. 4 of her friends lift her chair into the air as the whole class sings a charming birthday song to her. Then, she distributes the birthday muffins her mom has lovingly made. She feels loved and cherished and important… I love Waldorf education for letting each child feel like a queen on their special day.

Oh, my Kitty, I am so proud of who you have become and who you are becoming still. I have watched you blossom this year. You started Grade 1 with eager anticipation… it was me who was sad for you to leave Kindergarten. I wanted you to stay in the magical realm forever, but not you. Magic comes so easily to you that you don’t even know how special it is, yet. You wanted to learn… you wanted to watch the big kids, you wanted to make friends and read and discover all there was to experience at your new school. I was so nervous for you on your first day, all on your own and little, but not you. You smiled with an open face and twinkling eyes and who among them could not want to be your friend. You brought home songs and laughter and stories. You discovered that you were athletic and quick, you weren’t afraid to play tag anymore, you found it can be pleasant to talk to adults. Your mind grew, your heart grew, your soul grew. You are learning to write, you are learning maths, you are learning to knit, you are learning to play the flute… you are whole and you become more whole with each passing day. Sometimes it passes too quickly for me and I can’t help missing the little baby I cradled in my arms. But I know that leaving her behind, tucked safely in my memories, is the price I have to pay for watching you blossom into who you are meant to be… and I will pay that price gladly.
I am so proud of you, my Kitty… I love you more with each rising sun.
Your Mom

PS – I’m adding a little message from your granny and grampa,
“To my favourite grand daughter Kate. We might be separated by thousands of miles but often I come across things that remind me of you or things I would like to share with you. Sometimes, without warning, I gurgle with deep seated laughter at things you have done in the past. You have been a wonderfully interesting grandchild and have grown into a gorgeous young girl. I love you and hope you never stop enjoying life and all the joys around you. Love Gran and Grandpa”


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14 Responses

  1. there is nothing that can compare to waldorf celebrations! They are so magical. I think I might miss the advent spiral and the lantern walk the most…maybe I’ll do my own next year:)

  2. To my favourite grand daughter Kate. We might be separated by thousands of miles but often I come across things that remind me of you or things I would like to share with you. Sometimes, without warning, I gurgle with deep seated laughter at things you have done in the past. You have been a wonderfully interesting grandchild and have grown into a gorgeous young girl. I love you and hope you never stop enjoying life and all the joys around you. Love Gran and Grandpa

  3. Happy birthday little Kitty, and a very special birthing day to you to Donni…How I miss the little baby stage, and wanting to have them in my arms… they grow so fast yet I am enjoying learning so much alongside them and watching them blossom into these beautiful, lovable beings.

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