Favorite Recipe : Slow Cooker Bratwurst and Saurerkraut

I am working very hard on something. I am working on PLANNING dinnertime better.

I want to have a delicious and healthy home-cooked meal on the dinner table every evening.

It’s not that I never cook a delicious and healthy meal for my family… I do. Most evenings, in fact. The problem is rather the way in which my default dinner is cooked. It’s usually chaotic and panicked. I usually haven’t thought about dinner until 4pm… funny how it always seems to sneak up on me! And then all the options are frozen or take too long and we end up having the ‘fall back’ options all too often.

So, I’m making an effort to plan the weeks dinners. To know what we are having on each day of the week and to have the ingredients ready and thawed in time.

My slow cooker has become my firm friend.

I do a bit of prep work in the morning… pop it all in the slow cooker and … voila! At 5pm our dinner is cooked to perfection.

Here is one of our favorites…


Photo of Bratwurst and Saurekraut Slowcooker Casserol : www.theMagicOnions.com

Photo of Bratwurst and Saurekraut Slowcooker Casserol : www.theMagicOnions.com


Take it from me… it’s so easy to prepare.

And take it from my family… it’s delicious too!


Here’s what you’ll need :


  • two 12 inch bradworst sausages
  • a jar of sauerkraut with juice
  • 1 cup of frozen corn
  • 4 potatoes
  • 1 cup of cream
  • parmesan shavings for garnish


Recipe :


Cut the bratwurst sausages into 1 inch segments.

Cut the potatoes into 1 inch cubes.

Put everything (except parmesan cheese)  into the slow cooker and cook on high for 4 hours or on low for 6 hours.

Voila! Happy family.

Serve with a sprinkling of parmesan cheese shavings.


And please send along any of your favorite slow cooker recipes… I’m always on the look out for other options.

Here’s a link to our more yummy recipes.

Blessings and magic,




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