Blessing our food with a favorite Waldorf mealtime blessing verse before we eat it is cherished everyday tradition that is meaningful in so many ways. And not just for children. Blessing our food is just as meaningful for adults too.
Firstly, it gives us a moment to calm and collect ourselves before we eat. We quieten down and turn our thoughts inwards for a moment so that we can be present in our meal.
It also teaches us to be mindful of what we eat, to spare a thought of where our food comes from and the cosmic energy that has gone into producing our meal.
It reminds us to be grateful for the food we have and for the people or animals who have toiled to bring it to us.
And, it helps us to come together in a united spirit of gratitude. This is a beautiful thing.
5 Favorite Mealtime Blessing Verses
Here are some of our family’s favorite meal blessings that help us be grateful for our food.
For the golden corn
For the apples on the tree
For the golden butter
For honey from the bees
For fruits and nuts and berries
That grow along the way
For Father Sun and Mother Earth
We give our thanks today
Blessings on our food and peace be on the earth.
For the sun and rain
For the grass and grain
For all who toil on sea and soil
That we may eat this daily food
We give our thanks dear Earth
Blessings on the blossoms
Blessings on the roots
Blessings on the leaves and stems
And blessings on the fruit
Earth who gives to us this food
Sun who makes it ripe and good
Sun above,Earth below
Our loving thanks to you we show
Earth we thank you for this food
For rest and home and all things good
For wind and rain and sun above
But most of all for those we love
Blessings on our food
We sit down at the table and hold hands to say our Waldorf meal blessings verse. Most times, my children will say the verse with me. But sometimes, they prefer to be quiet and listen to the words. We don’t close our eyes but rather make a conscious effort to make eye-contact with one another. A little coming together of our spirits a few times a day is good for the health of our family.
If you have a favorite mealtime blessing, I’d love to hear it in the comments.
If you’ve enjoyed these verses, I am writing an article that shares our favorite Waldorf morning circle verses that I think you’ll love. Be sure to check back soon.
And, if you are after more Waldorf articles that showcase everyday family life, please have a look at the Discovering Waldorf Education archives.
Blessings and magic,
14 Responses
These are absolutely lovely. Thank you for sharing them!
Thank you Caitlyn.
I’m so excited to see your Butter Chicken recipe. It’s one of my favorite meals to eat out and I’ve been wondering if I can make it at home too. Thanks for sharing!!
xo Donni
THese are so sweet! THanks for sharing :)
Thanks for enjoying them, Heather.
xo Donni
I love all of them, thank you for sharing. !
I’m so glad these mealtime blessings resonate, Bella. I had fun bringing all of our favorite blessings together. xo
Bread is a lovely thing to eat —
God bless the barley and the wheat.
Earth’s a lovely place to know —
God bless the folk that come and go.
Alive is a wonderful thing to be —
Giver of life, we say, bless thee.
Can be sung as a three-part round. : ) I don’t introduce this one until 3rd (strong singers) or 4th grade.
Another, shorter one:
Substance of earth,
Essence of light,
Grace of heaven
In us delight.
Wonderful blessings, Christina… thank you for sharing them.
xo Donni
My son has learned and brought home from his Waldorf school the third and fourth ones you listed here. I just love them- they have such sweet melodies too! The fourth one we learned a little different:
Earth, who gives to us this food
Sun, who makes it ripe and good
Dearest Earth and dearest Sun,
Many thanks for what you’ve done
Thank you, Leah. My children taught them to me too. Lucky mama’s we are <3
xo Donni
I remembered seeing these earlier in the year and had written two of them down. But I had to come back and see how you made the cards so beautiful. Watercolors, of course! Off I go to get some paper and paintbrushes. :) Thanks for the inspiration!
Our favorite Waldorf blessing:
“The silver rain, the shining sun,
the fields where scarlet poppies run,
and all the ripples of the wheat
are in the bread that I do eat.
So when I sit to every meal
and say a grace, I always feel
that I am eating rain and sun
and fields where scarlet poppies run.”
Beautiful, Barbara!
xo Donni
My daughter learned this in 4th grade at the Cincinnati Waldorf School from her wonderful teacher, Lydia Kelley. When she said it one evening at a family gathering, I almost cried, it was so beautiful. And I was soooooo grateful that we had moved her from her unhappy mainstream school to Waldorf. Such a blessing!